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NZ On Screen is the online showcase of NZ television, film, music video and web series. All content is free to view – over 4,500 titles from the beginning of the screen industry to the present day to watch and enjoy. Around 1.5 million people a year visit NZ On Screen, and we are very pleased that you are one of them!


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NZ On Screen is non-commercial and is governed by an independent charitable trust, the Digital Media Trust. It is primarily funded by NZ On Air. The website's video content is made possible by the generosity and support of the New Zealand screen industry.

Aotearoa’s directors, producers, performers, and crew are celebrated in the showcase through profiles, ScreenTalk interviews and background notes. New content is added daily, and curated collections are released to shine the spotlight on selected content: choice screen titles, made by New Zealanders, connecting with audiences old and new.

Our vision
Ō Mātou Wawata

Aotearoa is richer through a greater understanding of ourselves
Ka tū teitei a Aotearoa nā tō tātou āta kite i a tātou anō

DMT Values
Ngā Tikanga/Uaratanga o te DMT

  1. Respect
    Respect is integral. As kaitiakitanga of our nation’s stories, we respect our taonga, audience and creative communities.
    Te Whakarangatira i te Tangata
    He kaupapa matua te whakarangatira i te tangata. Ko mātou ngā kaitiaki o ngā tātai kōrero o tō tātou whenua, nā reira, me āta tiaki matou i ā tātou taonga, i te minenga, me ngā hapori auaha.
  2. Community
    Partnerships are paramount. NZ On Screen and AudioCulture work in a spirit of whanaungatanga, cooperating with and reflecting the values of the creative sector and Aotearoa as a whole.
    Te Hapori
    Kei runga rawa ngā mahi kōtui. Mahi tahi ai a NZ On Screen me Iwi Waiata i roto i te whanaungatanga, me te mahi tahi, te whakaata hoki i ngā uara o te rāngai auaha, me Aotearoa nui tonu.
  3. Enthusiasm
    For the love of it. Delivering the spark of passion from creator to audience.
    Te Kaingākau
    Kō te kaingākau te pūtake. He tahu i te ahi auaha, mai i te kaiwaihanga ki te minenga.
  4. Reliability
    Reliability underpins our mahi. We act reliably to create a dependable resource for, and with, our stakeholders.
    He toka tū moana
    Me matua noho mātou hei toka tū moana. He toka tū moana tō mātou rite, he whai kia tū tētahi taonga whirinaki mā ō mātou kaipupuru pānga, i roto i te wairua mahi tahi.