The Rainbow Warrior Music Festival dominates the conversation in this 1985 chat show hosted by Cathy Saunders. Most of the guests were set to perform at the event, including the Topp Twins, Neil and Tim Finn, and Graham Nash from supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. English musicians Terri Quaye and Julian Bream complete a thoroughly musical line up. Sibling energy abounds; the Finns discuss new projects (like new band Crowded House) and the Topps recall their army stint, in between performing anti-nuclear anthems 'Radiation' and 'What's Following Me'. There's also puppet political satire by Hands Up.
...for us personally it's very much a big success, because I think that we may be able to get our tractor.– Lynda Topp measure the success of their Australian tour
Features performances by the Topp Twins and multi-instrumentalist Terri Quaye
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