On 13 October 1975, a historic land march reached the grounds of Parliament in Wellington. The elderly, articulate woman leading the way became Te Whaea o te Motu (Mother of the Nation). Whina tells Dame Whina Cooper's life story, from her achievements as a Tai Tokerau leader to the hīkoi that made Māori land rights a key national issue. In this trailer, the teenage Whina (Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne) experiences the injustice of land confiscations. Adult Whina (Miriama McDowell) takes up the mantle for Māori women, and elderly Whina (Rena Owen) delivers a powerful kōrero (speech).
No one hears us, Whaea. But when you speak, people listen. You could make our voices heard.– Whina's Tai Tokerau whānau urge her to 'speak up' for the rights of Māori
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