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Hero image for Heartland - Haast

Heartland - Haast

Television (Full Length Episode) – 1994

Initially, I believe it was called Camp Runamuck and over the years people have gradually adopted the word "kwitcha". And each hut is individually named Kwitchabitchin, Kwitchayappin, Kwitchasnoring, Kwitchabrewing ... Collectively, of course, it's known as Kwitchatown.
– Ray Egan, on the curious whitebaiters' town of Kwitchatown on the Arawata river
There we are, all knocked up in 30 minutes. To think that in certain circles, there are people who will pay thousands of dollars and set aside a week to come up with a leafy grotto like that.
– Gary McCormick, on how fast Coasters decorated a hall for the Whitebaiters' Ball
Oh, that looks blimmin' good aye. There's this big, black like a snake just continually streaming into the net. You can be out there six hours at a time with the stick trying to get them all in the net.
– Jenny Mee on catching whitebait