Colin Broadley was one of those who dared to sail against the currents, as a DJ on pirate station Radio Hauraki. In 1964 he starred in Runaway, the first Kiwi feature in over a decade. Broadley played a disaffected man alone, travelling around New Zealand. He also played a heavy in TV thriller The Alpha Plan, made films about China and music festival Nambassa, and ran an advertising agency. Broadley died on 30 March 2023.
Mr Broadley had the right kind of sensitive face for the part and quite a bit of acting talent ... generally he does a remarkably good job. 'FAJ', reviewing Runaway in The Listener, 6 November 1964
2023, Subject - Short Film
2014, Subject - Television
1994, Subject - Short Film
1986, Subject - Television
1986, Reporter - Television
1975, As: Robert Mackie - Television
1969, As: Carl's Henchman - Television
1969, As: Carl's Henchman - Television
1964, As: David Manning - Film
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