Running for an impressive 19 seasons, Asia Downunder was a weekly magazine show for and about the Asian population in New Zealand. It began in 1994 on TV One, under the title Asia Dynamic. In late 1995 the show's Korean-born co-presenter Melissa Lee and producer Robin Kingsley-Smith put in a bid to take over the making of the series; they later relaunched it as Asia Downunder. Featured were a range of stories covering news, profiles, arts, business and travel and cuisine. Occasional specials were devoted to a single topic. Lee later became a National Party MP.
Television, 2009 (Full Length Episode)
Television, 2010 (Excerpts)
Television, 2011 (Excerpts)
Television, 2003 (Excerpts)
Television, 2006 (Full Length)
Television, 2006 (Full Length)
Television, 2006 (Full Length)
Television, 2007 (Full Length)
Television, 2003 (Excerpts)
Television, 1997 (Full Length)
Television, 1997 (Full Length)
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