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Our People Our Century - Families at War

Television (Excerpts) – 2000

10 Nov 2011 - 11.04pm
Hi Irene Sorry about the belated reply. As Rememberance Day
is here for both our countries, the movie was filmed on ANZAC day
in New Zealand in 1966. It was a mammoth piece. I was a kid,
and Dad, was lying on the floor, just like he did as a soldier in World War II, (he was incarcerated in Stalag XVIIIC in Markt Pongau, survived it (somehow), and I think that the rock he engraved his name on was from when he and his mates were fighting 1941, in North African campaign. The movie I think was called The Great War or something like that. I was just a kid but my sister in law remembered it. Hope this helps. Kareen in Aust.
10 Nov 2011 - 11.25am
Hi Kareen - can you give us a bit more info on what title you are referring to? We can't quite work out what it might be from your notes here. If you know an exact title or anything more, we might be able to track it down for you...
9 Nov 2011 - 08.20pm
I am seeking out the war movie on ANZAC 1966, which showed
New Zealand soldiers (including my late DaD), in Tobruk and North Africa during World War II. According to my late Dad's military history, (the good bit!), he engraved his initials John Hector Augustine Mudford on a rock in North Africa, which made it a war time historical movie. And am wondering if the movies is available to watch?
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