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Hero image for Pirates of the Airwaves

Pirates of the Airwaves

Television (Trailer and Excerpts) – 2014

Adults only
I've got no personal connection with Radio Hauraki, but I do have an interest in pirates. As soon as the producer told me it was about pirates, I was interested.
– Director Charlie Haskell
They nailed us all to a chair and really grilled us. It wasn't a light thing they were doing, they wanted to get to the very guts of what we were about. And they got stuff out of us we might not have thought of or discussed for nearly 50 years. It really got the old emotions going again.
– Former pirate DJ Ian Magan on being interviewed for the docudrama, NZ Herald, July 2014
...I hope it shows them they don't have to sit back on Facebook and let the world come to them, that they can take themselves to the world and actually change things.
– Former Hauraki DJ Ian Magan, on hopes that sharing the Hauraki story will inspire modern youth, The NZ Herald, July 2014