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Hero image for Radio with Pictures - Sweetwaters

Radio with Pictures - Sweetwaters

Television (Full Length Episode) – 1980

19 Aug 2021 - 03.02am
As a kid the memories of this event was collecting milkshake cups full of the pull tabs off the beer cans and swapping them for bottles of coke. And the bloke who climbed the cabbage tree in the middle of the hill getting cans chucked at him. And the cans hitting the stage upsetting everyone.
9 May 2015 - 11.16pm
Went to this concert along with the Nambassa one also featured. Attended two more Sweetwaters in the 80s also....Great music..great times..fond memories of friends past.
17 Apr 2015 - 02.41am
Mi-Sex nailed main stage Saturday night : one of the greasiest live Kiwi bands ever. Sweetwaters 80 was the follow-on from a huge mini Woodstock in Nambassa 79. Other music festivals never quite captured the buzz of these two, but hey...folk kept showing up to get a weekend of drugs, booze and cool music....some guys even got a root.

13 Sep 2014 - 06.42pm
Mi-Sex were great too and Sweetwaters was a great promotional platform for them ... I knew their singer Steve Gilpin from the TV One Avalon days where he spent a lot of time performing and he was a lovely good-natured guy - it was so sad he died in QLD after a car crash in 1992.
13 Sep 2014 - 06.34pm
I was there too - briefly back in NZ and doing some stuff for Radio NZ and Morning Report. I remember the Elvis Costello performance as a stand-out - but what stuck in my mind were the overflowing Porta Potties and a guy drowning. Dylan was was always great and one of my best Media Mates - we worked together in the seventies.
26 Jul 2014 - 11.02am
Dylan Taite - Rock Star. (got his Psitols interview up atall?)
joe gilmour
joe gilmour
3 Dec 2013 - 09.47pm
The best 3 days i will never remember.
peter grattan
26 Sep 2013 - 10.46am
Excellent job Dylan and team...
27 May 2013 - 09.12pm
Geez, that vid.brings back some bloody good memories, tho at the time I probably didn't remember much( like many of us) , but had shit loads of fun!
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