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1981 Royal Variety Performance

Television (Full Length) – 1981

This live spectacular documents an 18 October 1981 Royal Variety performance  before Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. The performers at Auckland's St James Theatre include singers Ray Columbus (in That's Country mode), Howard Morrison and John Rowles, and (late in clip three) Lynn of Tawa (Ginette McDonald). Limbs and the Royal New Zealand Ballet dance; Billy T James and McPhail and Gadsby provide pre-PC gags. After the all-singing all-dancing finale, the entertainers line get to meet the royals. In this piece, Michèle A'Court recalls the night Lynn of Tawa talked tiaras with the Queen.  

If it wasn’t for the Poms you’d be the same colour as me mate!
– Billy T James to Laurie Dee