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Hero image for Rural Delivery - Series Nine, Episode Four

Rural Delivery - Series Nine, Episode Four

Television (Full Length Episode) – 2013

The queen lays all the eggs. She's the mother of all the bees in the hive, and they can lay up to at least their own weight of eggs in a day. So they are basically an egg-making factory.
– Ian Berry from Arataki Honey
I keep on saying no lifetime's long enough for a beekeeper to learn all there is to learn about bees. The longer you've been at it, the more you realise how little you really know.
– Ian Berry fom Arataki Honey
Westland Milk sells its products to 40 countries and with an annual turnover of more than $500 million dollars a year, is a vital part of the West Coast economy.
– Presenter Roger Bourne introduces the next story
...our particular system, it measures everything that's happening upwind within the paddock, so there's no interference with the cows at all. They're doing their natural grazing, their natural moving around . . . and it might be an area of four or five hectares that we're getting the data from.
– Scientist John Hunt from Landcare Research on testing methane released from cows
We thought that it was really important to enable some good science, practical science, and get some good policy as a result — and therefore perhaps guide some of our thinking going forward on possible mitigations to [the] Emissions Trading Scheme for agriculture.
– Synlait Farms Property Manager Lucy Johnson on why she wanted to take part in greenhouse gas testing