This animated short is set in "not so distant future" Aotearoa, where a plague has devastated livestock farming. The morbid nursery rhyme, narrated by Geraldine Brophy, tells of a scientist who creates a "different kind of meat from the resources still here". Matasila Freshwater's short was picked for the 'New Zealand’s Best' section of the 2016 NZ International Film Festival, by a team that included director Lee Tamahori (Once Were Warriors). It also screened at Spain's Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival, and won Best Animated Short at Sydney festival A Night of Horror.
Excellent production values encompassing a timely global story. Very Tim Burton-esque, but thoroughly entertaining and humorous.– Judge Lee Tamahori, explaining why he included Shmeat in the 'New Zealand’s Best' section of the 2016 NZ International Film Festival
Thomas Coppell
Matasila Freshwater
Thomas Coppell
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