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Social Distancing

Web (Full Length Episodes) – 2020

In diary-style web series Social Distancing, Francis Glenday offers his animated perspective on the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the course of five two-minute-long episodes, he explores the ups and downs of life in lockdown. The paradoxical freedom of being home all day is depicted, plus the difficulties of living life without the usual structure in place. Also touched are some of the stranger aspects of confined living, such as biking through barren arterial routes, the daily anchor of government press conferences, and the return of wildlife to suburban areas. Glenday is best known as an editor (Poi E: The Story of a Song, Birdland).

Suddenly a gust of wind blew the bag up into my face. I kept riding for a few seconds, thinking 'this is fine'.
– Francis Glenday recalls a bike ride on abandoned roads during lockdown, in episode three

Key Cast & Crew

Generic Profile image for Sam Watson

Sam Watson

Composer (episode 2)

Generic Profile image for Francis Glenday

Francis Glenday

Director, Writer, Animator

Generic Profile image for Matthias Jordan

Matthias Jordan

Composer (episode 3)

Profile image for David White

David White


Profile image for Samuel Scott

Samuel Scott

Composer (episode 1)

Generic Profile image for Jack Northover

Jack Northover

Composer (episodes 4 & 5)

See all 9 credits

Produced by

Francis Glenday


Francis Glenday