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The Audition

Short Film (Full Length) – 1989

I would come at 11 o'clock and pussyfoot around her like you would a famous actress, grinding my teeth.
– Anna on directing her prima donna younger sister
Then again, no one really wants to be labelled the biggest nut to have come out of Australian cinema so far.
– Anna, on Jane’s dedication of her film Sweetie to her
I like the river best; I’ve never been happy in the sea since I saw Jaws ...
– Edith
It’s that fat negativity of your’s ... you’re always giving it something to eat.
– Jane to her Mum
You know I feel anxious in the morning ... do you? [...] I suppose I cared about my marriage too much, and ... I don’t seem to be able to get on top of things: I can’t run the house, you kids have all gone away ... and I’m always trying to please people. It drives me up the wall.
– Edith
Could you move this sprinkler while you’re at it Mum, it really is incredibly annoying ...
– Jane directs Edith
For god’s sake, change gears ... there is a speed limit you know
– Edith directs Jane
You bully me, you bully other people. You burrow into other people and set up house as if it were your own!
– Edith to Jane