Sporting icon Dame Valerie Adam's decision to shoot for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games meant hard choices. This feature documentary follows the 36-year-old shot putter as she trains for her fifth Olympics, trying to balance being a mum to young children, her ambitions, her health and her determination to give back to her Pasifika community. In this trailer Adams talks about growing up poor but loved in her large Tongan family, the pain of leaving her babies behind to train overseas, and the psychological impact of being six foot four while still at primary school. Briar March also directed award-winner There Once Was An Island.
This is greatness; this is what it takes.– Dame Valerie Adams' husband Gabriel Price on his wife's sporting glory
Eight Productions
Eight Productions
Made in association with the NZ Film Commission, with assistance from the Government’s Screen Production Recovery Fund. Supported by Toybox, Images & Sound, Visa, SKY, AIA Vitality and Toyota NZ
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