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Hero image for Inside Out - Warwick Roger

Inside Out - Warwick Roger

Television (Full Length Episode) – 2000

Inside Out explores the reality of living with a disability or chronic illness. The subject of this 2000 episode is writer Warwick Roger, best known for founding and editing glossy 'all things Auckland' mag, Metro. The 52-year-old's busy life was upended with his Parkinson's diagnosis and the steady loss of motor skills. Roger is candid about having to accept a 'slower' life and embracing simple joys like cafe trips with his daughters. Running buddy Bob Harvey talks about Roger's talents and Robyn Langwell (Roger's wife and boss) focusses on what her partner can still achieve. Warwick Roger passed away in August 2018.

The thing that worries me most is the word 'progressive'. If it progresses slowly and I can get through to 70 or 80 or mid-70s with not too much deterioration I won't be too concerned, but it seems to be speeding up ... more than it was in the previous two years...
– Warwick Roger on what he fears most about his condition

Key Cast & Crew

Generic Profile image for Bryan Williams

Bryan Williams

Executive Producer

Generic Profile image for Caroline Harker

Caroline Harker

Director, Camera

Generic Profile image for Bronwyn Hayward

Bronwyn Hayward


Profile image for Bob Harvey

Bob Harvey


Generic Profile image for Tessa Mitchell

Tessa Mitchell


Generic Profile image for Jennifer Lee Lewes

Jennifer Lee Lewes


See all 9 credits

Produced by

Logo for Long White Cloud Productions

Long White Cloud Productions