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Hero image for Intrepid Journeys - Tanzania, Kenya and Zanzibar (Keisha Castle-Hughes)

Intrepid Journeys - Tanzania, Kenya and Zanzibar (Keisha Castle-Hughes)

Television (Full Length Episode) – 2011

I think they're called marabou storks. I'm not kidding you, they're the size of a small adult. They are so big. And they're flying as well. I'm convinced that they're all after me. Oh God, he's looking at me...
– Keisha Castle-Hughes struggles with her fear of birds in Kenya, early in the show
I think if I were living out here as an animal, I would be a giraffe. They're very elegant. Not that I'm very elegant, but I'd like to be.
– Keisha spots the big five game animals on her safari
. . . I've had an incredible time, and I've learned and seen so many new things . . . It's been incredibly diverse. I feel like I've been to at least five different countries . . .
– Keisha Castle-Hughes discusses the differences between the three countries she has visited, late in this episode
The people I've came across on this trip have this amazing love for life, which I really, really enjoyed being around. It's where I had the best experiences. The smiles and their open arms, and always so generous.
– Keisha reflects on the friends she made, at the end of this episode
I don't like birds. Everything from little sparrows to chickens. It's the motion of the wings, the flapping, the sounds and the eyes. It makes me feel very uneasy. [In Tanzania] they pride themselves on their native birds. They have birds the size of small children. It became this running theme every time I saw them. I am terrified of birds.
– Keisha Castle-Hughes in The Otago Daily Times, 15 February 2011