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Hero image for Intrepid Journeys - Vanuatu (Brendan Cole)

Intrepid Journeys - Vanuatu (Brendan Cole)

Television (Full Length Episode) – 2009

Santo is littered with World War Two remnants, but the most significant ones are actually under water.
– Brendan Cole describes Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu's biggest island
There's been so many mixed emotions you know, from day to day: whether it be feeling lonely, or embracing, or feeling tired, or feeling great. I think that's what makes an experience, and I think that's exactly what I've had.
– Brendan says goodbye to Vanuatu, at the end of the episode
If I'd known trekking through the jungle for a good part of 40, 45 kilometres was on the cards, I may have said no.
– Brendan struggles up hilly and sometimes slippery inclines
I'm starting to feel a bit silly . . . It's gonna be a good trip.
– Brendan feels the relaxing effect of the world's strongest kava
People's reaction when I say I'm heading to Vanuatu to do an Intrepid Journey — well most Kiwis anyway...laugh and say 'well what's intrepid about that? It's a holiday destination.' But that's not the kind of trip we're gonna be going on.
– Brendan Cole prepares to 'rough it' in Vanuatu, at the start of the episode
They say Million Dollar Point is an ironic name, and I can so see that now. There is so much stuff down here. With inflation over 65 years, you could just about call it Billion Dollar Point. Jeeps, boats, tanks, coke bottles even. The remains of the occupation that's still a massive part of the psyche.
– Brendan dives in Santo among remnants of gear belonging to American soldiers from WWII