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Short Film (Full Length) – 2007

Johnny Barker (the infamous 'Ferndale Strangler' from Shortland Street), Jared Kahi and other talented musical mates were hand-picked by Peter Jackson as wildcard finalists for the 2007 48Hours film competition. They went on to win the national prize with Lease, a musical set in a grotty Grey Lynn flat. Each flatmate represents a pop genre; there's mainstream pop guy Matt (Barker), an intense metal head (Kahi) and doe-eyed emo Steve (Brendon Morrow). When their wannabe Elvis landlord announces a rent rise the trio look for a new flatmate. Singer/songwriter Reb Fountain plays one of the hopeful applicants. 

No amount of flash gear or money can guarantee a good story, and the varied panel of industry judges won't be fooled by bells and whistles.
– Lense Flare team member Jared Kahi on th 48Hours short film competition, The Sunday Star-Times, 30 April 2012

Key Cast & Crew

Generic Profile image for Jared Kahi

Jared Kahi

Writer, Producer, As: Coromandel Hippy applicant

Generic Profile image for Mike Hancock

Mike Hancock

As: Jerry Reid (the landlord)

Generic Profile image for Matt Chappell

Matt Chappell

Cinematographer, As: Whitey Rapper applicant

Generic Profile image for Brendon Morrow

Brendon Morrow

Writer, Sound, As: Emo flatmate

Profile image for Johnny Barker

Johnny Barker

Director, Writer, As: Matt

Generic Profile image for Brendon Kahi

Brendon Kahi

Writer, Sound, As: Metal Head flatmate

See all 23 credits

Produced by

Logo for Lense Flare

Lense Flare


Johnny Barker