In this episode of the magazine-style show, presenters Aaditya Singh and Kadambari Raghukumar speak to a number of members of the Indian community. Sport Waitakere's Javeed Ali shares his desire for cultural integration through sport, and a young running star dreams of the Special Olympics. Students of the Auckland Teaching Gardens explain feeling connected to their Fijian roots when in the garden, and ballroom champ Simran Madan explores her culture through dance. Raghukumar also helps chef Vijay Ganesh cook a moreish seafood curry. The bilingual (English and Hindi) series ran for two seasons.
My personal motivation is about getting more Indians into sport, and using it as a vehicle for cultural integration.– Sport Waitakere's Javeed Ali
Top Shelf Productions
Top Shelf Productions
Made in association with NZ On Air
Music by Audio Network Australia
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