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Tiger Country

Television (Full Length) – 1998

This Gibson Group TV movie is named after a colonial term for a wild and unpredictable landscape. It follows lead cop Tony 'Horse' Radiscich (Sean Duffy), freshly minted detective Stephanie Wilson (ex Shortland Street villain Laurie Foel) and the young team investigating a woman's murder in Wellington's northern suburbs. They encounter false leads, personal demons, and pressure from top brass (Peter Hambleton) to stay 'fiscally neutral'. Writer Tom Scott collaborated with Porirua District Commander Grant O'Fee to depict the pressures facing Kiwi cops. The hope was Tiger Country would become a series; Street Legal won out. 

Guess what? I was named after a battle ... It's where my grandad got himself killed. You got an Uncle Alamein and Aunty Cassino. Too many bloody dumb battle names in this family, aye? That's why I called you aroha.
– Faenza (Rachel House in her first TV role) explains the origins of her name to her daughter (Greer Samuel)

Key Cast & Crew

Profile image for Sean Duffy

Sean Duffy

As: Detective Senior Sergeant 'Horse' Radisich

Generic Profile image for Laurie Foel

Laurie Foel

As: Detective Sergeant Stephanie Wilson

Generic Profile image for Claire Waldron

Claire Waldron

As: Constable 'Tocks'

Profile image for Tom Scott

Tom Scott

Writer, Producer

Generic Profile image for Grant O'Fee

Grant O'Fee

Writer, Police Advisor

Profile image for John Laing

John Laing


See all 53 credits

Produced by


Made with funding from NZ On Air


Theme song 'Tiger Country' written and performed by Dave Dobbyn 
