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Hero image for Country Calendar - The Grass is Greener

Country Calendar - The Grass is Greener

Television (Full Length Episode) – 2007

In this episode of the long-running rural show, director and reporter Julian Cvitanovich visits the organic dairy farm of Gavin and Sheryn Fisher. From their base in Elstow in the northern Waikato, the Fishers explain the processes and benefits of going organic, as well as misconceptions about themselves and their methods. At the time of filming in 2007 Fonterra had only 70 organic suppliers out of over 12,000 herds, despite financial incentives to switch to organic. As Gavin Fisher puts it, organic farming can come with a "tree hugger" image, which can be off-putting for some Kiwi farmers. 

If I ever get asked what it's like to hug trees I always said that the female race would have to get pretty ugly for me to start hugging trees... We're not greenies or radicals or purists. We're not out to save the planet, but we do realise that our organic system has lots of positives for the environment.
– Organic dairy farmer Gavin Fisher on the stereotypes of 'going green'

Key Cast & Crew

Generic Profile image for Robyn Best

Robyn Best

Production Manager

Generic Profile image for Gunnar Schoenborn

Gunnar Schoenborn


Profile image for Julian O'Brien

Julian O'Brien


Profile image for Frank Torley

Frank Torley

Executive Producer

Generic Profile image for Jerome Cvitanovich

Jerome Cvitanovich

Director, Reporter, Narrator

Generic Profile image for Richard Williams

Richard Williams


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