Part one of five from this full length television programme.
Part two of five from this full length television programme.
Part three of five from this full length television programme.
Part four of five from this full length television programme.
Part five of five from this full length television programme.
The credits from this full length television programme.
This is the first of a six-part TVNZ series which follows seven couples from antenatal classes to the reality of childbirth and parenthood. Along the way they share their hopes and fears as they await the arrival of their first born. This episode focuses on antenatal classes, decisions that have to be made and practical adjustments, including jobs and budgeting. The fathers-to-be provide some of the most humorous lines, mostly displaying their naivety (one looks forward to the chance to "laze back a bit"). But all the participants show an honesty that makes for fascinating viewing.
I got gowned up and put the wellies on and felt like a meat works worker.– Jimmy, new father
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