Award-winning web series High Road follows the travails of Terry Huffer (Mark Mitchinson), an ex-rocker washed up in Piha where he DJs from a caravan. This third season opener heads back in time to London, to tell Huffer’s origin story: tracking a big night at a pub and what follows — a confrontation with his Oscar-winning sister, actor Emma Thompson (played by Emma Thompson), and her actor husband Greg Wise (playing Greg Wise). A fed up Thompson drops some choice swear words, compares her brother to Keith Richards, and exports him to New Zealand to sort himself out.
I know Greg (Wise), her husband, and he loved the series, so I said, 'Hey, do you want to be in the third series? And do you think Emma would want to be in it as well?'– Mark Mitchinson, on landing Oscar-winning actor Emma Thompson for High Road, The NZ Herald 7 November 2016
Made with funding from NZ On Air
Music by The Claptons
'Panda' composed by Gustav Ejstes, and performed by Dungen
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