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Variety Spectacular - A Night with the Stars

Television (Excerpts) – 1989

... drop the charges!
– Jools Topp makes a last minute plea after performing, in relation to the Topp Twins' recent arrest for busking on Queen Street
Jools and I were so into country and western music when we were little, we used to have a bumper sticker on the car that used to say "I'd rather step in shit than smoke it".
– Lynda Topp introducing The Topp Twins, in clip two
I have seen you before! You very, very famous people! Hudson and Hudson?
– Fawlty Towers waiter Manuel (Andrew Sachs) serves celebrity chefs Hudson and Halls
But he's lovely Paul, isn't he? He's really sweet. He's a sort of a legend in his own mind, really.
– Lynn of Tawa (Ginette McDonald) discusses Paul Holmes, in clip one