Damon Fepulea'i's directing debut follows Megan (Olivia Tennet from Maddigan's Quest), a young girl who finds herself out of her depth amongst the mangroves. While out exploring, she meets two siblings and wants to make friends, but one of them is hostile and argues over who owns a bamboo stake. Megan runs off to play alone and while trying to catch a fish using the stake as a spear, has an accident. She's full of stubborn pride as the tide rises dangerously around her. Watermark debuted at the 2002 Rotterdam Film Festival, and features classic Kiwi song ‘Blue Smoke’.
So what are you doing here? This is our place.– Gordon (Branagh Dennison) confronts Megan (Olivai Tennet) when she ventures on to his turf
Features song 'Blue Smoke' (1948) performed by Ruru Karaitiana Quintet and Pixie Wiliams
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