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Hero image for Heartland - Whanganui River

Heartland - Whanganui River

Television (Full Length Episode) – 1996

Whanganui Māori have long fought to protect their rights to Whanganui River and its surrounds, including occupations at Pākaitore (aka Moutoa Gardens) and Tieke in the 1990s. Subtitled 'On the River Road', this Heartland episode sees Gary McCormick travelling along the awa to visit protestors at Tieke, as well as nuns, farmers and school kids at various settlements. McCormick also heads to Jerusalem to learn more about James K. Baxter's former community. The show is packed with history and articulate argument, as well as the small-town spirit and humour that Heartland is famous for. 

The time will be to celebrate when the crown succeeds and comes back to us and says 'You are the tangata whenua. You are the rightful owners of the land, from the mountain to the sea.'
– Tieke protestor Piripi Haami

Produced by

Logo for Anson Grieve Productions

Anson Grieve Productions


Logo for Big Pictures

Big Pictures