Veteran Australian-born producer Phil Wallington had 50 plus years of screen credits. A 1989 shift to New Zealand, following 23 years at Australia’s ABC news, saw him take on a run of executive producer roles on current affairs shows. He helped produce the controversial 1990 Frontline report on Labour Party campaign funding. The Top Shelf producer was also a regular media commentator. Wallington died on 11 September 2020.
I am lucky to be still employable and still to be working in an industry which I love. I must have some good qualities — but one of them … is definitely not 'resignation'. I have never resigned willingly, from any role I have played or post I have held. It has always been either a case of being fired or else promoted … Sometimes both in pretty quick succession. Phil Wallington, in his keynote speech to the 2015 SPADA Conference
2020, Subject - Short Film
2016, Co-Director, Interviewer - Web
2016, Interviewer, Director - Web
2011, Producer - Television
2010, Subject - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Writer - Television
2009, Creative Producer - Television
2006, Research - Television
2004 - 2007, Media Commentator - Television
2003, Producer - Television
2002 - 2003, Producer - Television
2000, Executive Producer - Television
1999 - 2001, Executive Producer - Television
1993, Director: 'From Reef to Ruin' - Television
1989, Executive Producer - Television
1989 - 94, Executive Producer - Television
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