Popstars was a key part of the late 1990s...
60 TV moments from across the decades, celebrating 60...
Excerpts from later in the series
A number one hit for TrueBliss
True Bliss feature in this TV promo
The group talk about fame
Popstars is discussed in this documentary
Also features Erika Takacs
Peter Urlich when he sang in Th' Dudes
Joe Cotton talks body image
Erika Takacs dines with Sally Ridge
The winner of another music contest
Peter Urlich in 1982
Drama featuring wannabe musicians
Talent show from an earlier era
Another route to NZ pop stardom
Another Kiwi pop group formed through a competition
Documentary about Th’ Dudes
More Kiwi singing talent
Also directed by Bill Toepfer
A reality show from Touchdown
Another show format which sold internationally
Peter Urlich in Th’ Dudes
More pop stars
A reality show from the same era
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