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Profile image for John Bach

John Bach


The Moon is Upside Down

2023, As: Don - Film

The Ballad of Maddog Quinn

2022, As: Grandpa Quinn - Short Film

Under the Vines

2021 - 2024, As: Don - Television

The Sounds

2020, As: Frank Cabbott - Television


2020, As: The Man - Short Film


2020, As: Jack - Film

The Big Bingo Bonanza

2019, As: Arthur - Short Film

Mistress, Mercy - The Renee Chignell Story

2018, As: Judge Noel Anderson - Television

Judgment Tavern

2016, As: The Judge - Short Film

Roman Empire - Reign of Blood

2016, As: Marcus Aurelius - Television

Jack Irish

2016 - ongoing, As: Senator Michael Longmore - Television

The Light Between Oceans

2016, As: Mayor who gives a speech - Film

Gallipoli (Australian miniseries)

2015, As: Sir Ian Hamilton - Television

The Light Harvester

2014, As: The Light Harvester - Short Film

Janet King

2017, As: Graham King - Television

Nancy Wake: The White Mouse

2014, As: Henry's father - Television

Hope and Wire

2014, As: Vernon (Len's friend) - Television

Utu Redux

2013, As: Belcher - Film

The Cure

2013, As: Lionel Stanton - Film

Wentworth/Wentworth Prison

2013, As: Vinnie Holt - Television

Rest for the Wicked

2011, As: Frank - Film

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

2010, As: Magistrate Titus Calavius - Television

This is Not My Life - First Episode

2010, As: Harry Sheridan - Television

This is Not My Life

2010, As: Harry Sheridan - Television

Piece of My Heart

2009, As: Mike - Television

A Tall Long Faced Tale

2008, As: Bridge builder, Voices - Television

The Tattooist

2007, As: Lazlo McFadden - Film

Leo's Pride

2006, Narrator - Television


2006, Narrator - Television


2005, As: Cluny - Television

Hercules (mini-series)

2005, As: Creon - Television

The Lost Children

2005, As: Frank - Television

The Man Who Couldn't Dance

2005, As: Dancing Man - Short Film

Ike: Countdown to D-Day

2004, Air Marshall Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory - Television

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

2004, As: Einstein - Television

In Search of the Moa

2002, Narrator - Television

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

2002, As: Madril - Film

A Tale of Three Chimps

2001, Narrator - International Version - Television

Dark Knight (TV series)

2000 - 2001, As: Du Bois - Television


2000, As: Dr Herbert Green - Television


1999, As: Duggan - Television

Duggan: A Shadow of Doubt

1999, As: John Duggan - Television

Duggan: Time and Tide

1999, As: Detective Inspector John Duggan - Television


2002 - 2003, As: Einstein - Television

The Day of the Roses

1998, As: Tom Weir, Actor - Television

William Shatner's A Twist in the Tale: Obsession in August

1998, As: The Earl of Sackville - Television

Tales of the South Seas

1998 - 2000, Actor - Television

Duggan: Sins of the Fathers

1998, As: John Duggan - Television

Young Hercules

1998, As: Zeus - Television

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (miniseries)

1997, As: Thierry Arronax - Television

Duggan: Death in Paradise

1997, As: John Duggan - Television

Mysterious Island

1995, As: Captain Nemo - Television

Golden Fiddles

1994, As: Walter Balfour - Television

The Last Tattoo

1994, As: Austen Leech - Film

The Feds (Australian TV movies)

1993 - 1996, As: Rainer Bass - Television

Snowy River: The McGregor Saga

1995, As: Dandy Jim O'Rourke - Television

Train Station (Despair) - World Vision

1993, As: The Child stealer - Commercial

Time Trax

1994, As: Xavier Draks

Typhon's People

1993, As: Daniel Harrington - Television

The Sound and the Silence

1992, As: Alexander Graham Bell - Television

Heroes II: The Return (Australian miniseries)

1991, As: Lieutenant Colonel Donald Davidson - Television

Old Scores

1991, As: Ewen Murray - Film

The Paper Man

1990, As: Philip Cromwell - Television

Blood Oath

1990, As: Major Roberts - Film

The Heroes (Australian miniseries)

1989, As: Donald Davidson - Television


1988, As: Karlin - Film

The True Story of Spit MacPhee

1988, As: Jack Tree - Television

The Lie of the Land

1987, As: Gorrie - Film

Pallet on the Floor

1986, As: Jack Voot - Film

The Great Bookie Robbery

1986, As: Mike Power - Television

Roche - First Episode

1985, As: Mick Roche - Television

The Ray Bradbury Theatre

1989, As: Travis - Television

Heart of the Stag

1984, As: Shearing gang member - Film

Inside Straight

1984, As: Detective Sergeant Bill MacLean - Television


1984, As: Mike (the director) - Television

Other Halves

1984, As: Jim - Film

Wild Horses

1984, As: Jack - Film

Nearly No Christmas

1983, As: King Penguin - Television

Close to Home - Final Episode

1983, As: Tome Hearte - Television

The Lost Tribe

1983, As: Max and Edward Scarry - Film


1983, As: Belcher - Film


1982, As: Bone - Film

Bad Blood

1982, As: Bert Cropp - Film

Carry Me Back

1982, As: Winton - Film

Goodbye Pork Pie

1981, As: Snout - Film

The Mad Dog Gang Spooks Wilkie, Wink Wink and the Wobbler

1980, As: Wilkie - Television

Sea Urchins

1980, As: Harvey - Television

Beyond Reasonable Doubt

1980, As: Detective Murray Jeffries - Film

Mortimer's Patch

1980, As: Kevin Cartwright - Television

The Gathering

1979, As: Lou - Television

Joe and Koro - High Society

1977, As: Nigel - Television

The Governor 6 - To the Death (Episode Six)

1977, As: John Sheehan - Television

Three New Zealanders: Ngaio Marsh

1977, As: Hamlet - Television

Wild Man

1977, As: Barman - Film

If You Can't Beat 'Em

1976, Actor - Television

Close to Home - First Episode

1975, As: Tom - Television

Richard Pearse

1975, As: Jack Pearse - Television

The Games Affair

1974, As: Villain - Television