As one of the owners of Auckland post-production house Images and Sound, Steve Finnigan has worked on the soundtracks of Outrageous Fortune, The Luminaries and The Brokenwood Mysteries, to name just a few. He’s worked on plenty of features too, including My Year With Helen, Muru, Whina and Come to Daddy. He is also a regular nominee and multiple winner at New Zealand's various screen awards.
Collaboration, trust and fun is the key. As long as you can work with people you love making quality product, keep doing it! Steve Finnigan
2024, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2023, Sound - Television
2023, Sound Post-Production Supervisor - Television
2023, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2023, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2022, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2022, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2022, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2022, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2022, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2021, Sound - Television
2021, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2021, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2021, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2021, Head of Sound - Television
2021, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2020 - 2022, Sound Post-Production Supervisor - Television
2020, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2020, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2020, Sound Post-Production Supervisor - Television
2020, Sound Supervisor - Television
2021-2022, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2019, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2019, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2019, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2019, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2019, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2019, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2018, Sound - Post-Production Supervisor - Television
2018, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2018, Sound Mix - Film
2017, Sound Editor - Film
2017, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2017, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2017, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2017, Sound Editor - Film
2017, Sound Supervisor - Web
2016, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2015 - 2020, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2015 - 2017, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2015, Sound - Post-Production Supervisor - Television
2015, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2015, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2015, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2015, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2014 - 2015, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2014, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2014, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2014, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2014 - ongoing, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2014, Sound Supervisor, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2014, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2013, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2013, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2013, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2012, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2012, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2012, Sound Editor - Film
2012, Supervising Sound Editor - Film
2011, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2011 - 2013, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2011, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Film
2011, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Film
2011 - 2013, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2011, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2011, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2011, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2010, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2010, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2010, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2010, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2010, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Film
2010, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2009, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2009 - 2013, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2009, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2009, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2009, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2008, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2008, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2007, Sound Mix - Television
2007 - 2010, Sound Supervisor - Television
2007, Sound Supervisor - Television
2006 - 2007, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2006, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2006, Supervising Sound Editor - Television
2005, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2005 - 2010, Sound - Television
2003 - 2005, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2002, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2001 - 2003, Supervisor - Post-Production Sound - Television
2000, Sound Mix - Television
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